EN Happy late friday guys!
post shoulda be done yesterday but never mind i still took all of my
left power to finally do something on my blog. The week was too stressy
and for that i just wanted to relax u know.
All i could think of the last week days was work! work! and guess what?! WORK!
I feel like i'm turning to be the next chef at the agency, alltough i'm just an trainee! haha funny funny
Long story!
But what i was tryn to say or supposed to say with these post, was obviously that i want to get a new haircut.
I was thinking of something new like an nape undercut hairstyle.
What do you think of it?
Some inspirations below ..
DE Juten Abend noch!
Dieser Post sollte eigentlich schon gestern stehen aber ich hatte in den letzten Tagen der Woche einfach zuviel hinter den Ohren.
Überstunden hier, Müdigkeit da.
Aber naja, lange Rede kurzer Sinn.
Der eigentliche Grund dieses Posts war, dass ich mir mal wieder ein neues Hairstyle zulegen wollte.
Aber eben was ganz anderes und neues. Und zwar einen Nape Undercut.
Was meint ihr?
Anregungen sieht ihr unten ..
Have a nice weekend y'all xx
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