Thursday, September 17, 2015


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Happy Thursday everyone ..

Some of you might already know that I've been sick recently from my social media. The ridicoulous weather change from like 40 degrees to literally less than the half got me and now I'm finding myself in bed with a cold. But I'm getting a lot better since I pumped myself with so many meds to get well asap since I'm having a cool event on the weekend which am going to hopefully attend with the bestie. Fingers crossed guys that I can make it! If I do so you might see posts on my social media.

However, lets get back to business. As me recently getting in college (yayy!) so many new decission are coming up that literally need to be made. Whether I move to Frankfurt for studies or I stay, job situations, family and more. For instance, I've been going back and forth if I should finally get my own apartment ..and you know what guys I think I'm ready to face it! I've literally been trained and ready my whole life for this.. 
I remember though when I was a kid back then, I had so many ideas of how my dream home should look like and it incluced all the fancy stuff and colors like pink, red and what not. But as me growing up my expectations and ideas of course have changed and as you know me guys I've turned into a simple person who loves all minimalism. So, you probably can bet that my home is just going to look as that. I like it all clean, black, white & cozy .. like most "fashion people" right? Haha I really became one of those! Back in the day I never really understood why people would decorate their homes just like an emergency room or hospital. Was never my thing but apparently things have change and changes are good ..I guess.
Well with this inspo of some interior pieces I put together I just wanted to give you a peek on how my hopefully soon to be home will look like.

Since I've told you how my dream home shall look like, let me know yours.

Speak soon ..

Much Love xx

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